The Inner Leader Podcast
The struggle is real - but is it necessary? Transformational Leadership Coach, TV personality, Energy Healing Practitioner and joy seeker Elissa Lansdell happily says ”Nope!” as she helps ease the hustle for executives and everyday people alike. This episodic journey is all about releasing the old - habits, stories, energetic weight and more - in order to make room for the new - insights, ideas and opportunities which are more aligned with who you are at your core. Episode by episode, we’ll peel away the layers you didn’t even know were there, until we reveal your Inner Leader. Elissa uses her trademark wit alongside her one-of-a-kind leadership/energetic healing/spiritual skillset to help guide listeners on a journey of inner discovery and outer success, equipping them with all the tools they need to stop hustling and start happying. @your_inner_leader
Thursday Dec 19, 2024
Thursday Dec 19, 2024
It's that time of year y'all! My gift to you this season (and episode) is:
more presence than presents;
quality over quantity;
the taking away of burdens that aren't yours to carry.
Does that sound good? In this episode, I share some tools, techniques & insights I've shared with my clients around boundary setting: what it feels like to not set them; why we don't; how to do it with grace and self love; and even some "scripts" you can make your own.
It's all designed so that you can write the holiday story not only for next year, but for your life. And THAT is how we get peace on earth.
Have a wonderful holiday season. Much peace to you. I'll see you in 2025! Be sure to connect with me on TikTok @intuitioninfluencer. And send me your ideas & requests for upcoming episode topics.
Love to all!
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
Thursday Dec 12, 2024
This week I'm taking a few moments to remind YOU to take a few moments. In this world of noise and insanity, it's more important than ever that we reacquaint ourselves with our inner quiet. Elissa talks about the power of silence and the science behind it, sharing the immediate and long term benefits of moments of stillness. Sounds pretty good this time of year, yes?
Also, we're excited to announce The Wednesday Woo Crew - a weekly 30 minute virtual group session in which Elissa will clear away trapped emotional energy that's been holding you back, as well as help you identify and reprogram limiting beliefs. All that for $10 CDN. Register here:
Follow Elissa on TikTok @intuitioninfluencer
& On Instagram @Your_Inner_Leader
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
I know it's no turtle dove, but hear me out: Your burnout is a huge gift, when you choose to receive it!
In today's episode, I unwrap this dubious gift - which affects over 75% of us in some form, by the way - to see what it's here to offer us. We touch on:
ALIGNMENT WITH VALUES - how identifying our values can actually give us clues as to why we're burning out;
RESISTANCE TO HAPPINESS - how living a life of burnout is a denial of our true, natural state;
MINDFULNESS - how by changing our perspective to one of the Observer, we can make meaningful changes;
AVOIDING SHADOWS - the idea that burnout may be pointing us to our own more shadowy aspects, and what we can do about it;
SECONDARY GAINS - what that means and how it may relate to our own burned out state;
ATTACHMENT TO SUFFERING - a frank look at a universal human truth, and how acknowledging it sets us up to thrive.
Registration for my February 10 Self Love Masterclass is now open! Makes a great holiday gift - for YOU! (website link below)
Want to work with me? The first 9 people who register for my three month Inner Leader Intuitive Coaching program NOW get a deep discount. See link below.
Join me on the new platform! You can book 1:1 coaching sessions, Emotion Code® and Psych-K® services, and more!
Thursday Nov 28, 2024
Thursday Nov 28, 2024
In this episode, Elissa gets very candid about limiting beliefs: how they're running like ancient software and determining all that we do; why it's critical that we reprogram them; and how we do that.
Elissa identifies and reprograms a major limiting belief in her current life - in real time - and taps into the collective listening to find and reprogram a few more. This is a must listen for anyone who's tired of the same old patterns and wishes to evolve and ascend!
Check out Elissa on TikTok:
Book Elissa now!
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
In this episode, Communication Mindset Coach and American Dialect Coach Gracia Burns joins us to talk about a side of our Inner Leader we may be neglecting: our creativity.
We discuss:
The importance of "play" in business;
The disconnection between our consumption of creativity and our own creation;
Socialization and its role in tamping down our creativity;
The critical need to climb out of boxes that society creates for us;
How "silly" can exist in a professional environment - and how we'd be wise to embrace it!
The tangible benefits of being your authentic self at work.
Connect with Gracia on LinkedIn at
and reach out at
Gracia Burns is a Communication Mindset Coach and American Dialect Coach dedicated to helping professionals, creatives, and actors worldwide express their authentic voice. Drawing on her unique background in office administration, music, art, and language, Gracia has developed a holistic approach to accent mastery and communication authenticity. Through her signature A.C.T. Method, she empowers clients to refine their accent and communication style, enhancing their ability to connect, engage and influence.
Her programs are designed to elevate communication skills, helping clients build confidence, stay focused, and accelerate career growth.
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
A quick mini episode to bridge the gap and get us back on track!
A note on the new way of manifesting;
What to let go of right now in order to find happiness;
How "google earthing" the world can give us a better, more peaceful perspective;
An invitation to join Elissa over on TikTok:
What did you think of this episode? Which one is your favourite? What topics or questions would you like Elissa to address in upcoming episodes? Reach out at and have your say.
And don't forget to rate and review! It helps decide and ensure future episodes. We appreciate you. Namaste.
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Come gather round the campfire. There's a safe space for you here.
No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, you're probably experiencing several emotions right now. Elissa offers new perspective, hope and a little humour while asking us to remember who we are.
This episode aims to calm, comfort, and inspire, as it challenges us to step into this most extraordinary moment, and shine our undimmable light.
Elissa here: Did this episode speak to you? Please consider rating, reviewing and recommending to a friend. It makes a world of difference.
Are you inspired to take up the challenge of sending light and love to those you've hated the most? I'd love to hear from you:
Be sure to give me a follow on Instagram @your_inner_leader and on LinkedIn:
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
In this episode, Elissa takes an honest look at the phenomenon of trolling, and what it says about us.
The history of troll lore and its connection to social media today
The surprising benefits of examining our own trolling habits
Case Study: Sarah Silverman’s loving troll takedown - and its inspirational implications
Clear your heart wall just in time for cuffing season! And other new services:
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Happy Spooky Season! We invite you to explore the most haunted place of all in this episode: your emotions! 👻.
Elissa shares highlights from her recent keynote on fear: what we have to learn from it, how we can transmute it to higher vibrating emotions, and why it matters.
Topics discussed:
Why Hallowe’en is the most soulful time of the year
Why communication skills aren’t the only consideration when solving conflict
What E's pup Ollie had to teach her about fear
What fear masquerades as in the workplace
Fear’s connection to our problems
Emotional data and what it can tell us
David Hawkins’s Levels of Consciousness Map and how it can help us connect, communicate, and raise our vibe
The perils of living with fear at work
How emotional intelligence helps our bottom line
Elissa’s heartwarming story of what happened when she chose courage over fear
How to shift from fear controlling us to us managing our fear
Want to clear what's keeping you from success, love, and abundance? Join us for "Block Buster Saturdays" in November!
Sign up for our newsletter!
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
“Just go with your gut!”
Sounds simple, but it it easy? And does it benefit us?
In this episode, we tap into the expertise and intuitive power of energy healer, author and intuitive expert Dave Karp, who explains:
Intuitive energy healing - what it is and what it can reveal about us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
Muscle testing: what is it? What does it have to do with intuition? And an easy way to practise it right now!
Trapped emotional energy: where it comes from, what physical problems it can cause and and how we can release it
Taking control of your physical & nutritional well being through intuition
The importance of daily meditation - in whatever form you intuit is best
How to grow your intuitive powers over time
Dave’s four pillars of life - healthy, mindful, energetic and spiritual - and how to use intuition to enhance them
How higher self communicates with us
The problem with manifestation - and how to use mindfulness to break through it
Asking “What’s good for me?” and breaking down all the parts of who “me” really is
What we can learn from not going with our gut
Light and dark, masculine and feminine battles within us and what's in our power to determine (psssst: everything!)
Dr. David Hawkins’ Levels of Consciousness scale and how raising our levels of consciousness can enhance our intuitive abilities
A simple and amazing method for getting out of your head and into your gut
The perfect % ratio between gut, heart, and mind
What does your gut say about this episode? Please share in a review & rating!
Check out Dave’s Truth Whispering book series on Amazon: